Artist Statement
When the first lockdown happened it felt like what is the point of making art, when people are struggling for their lives and sanity? Why indulge in this solitary activity? To what end? Who knows if there will be galleries left to open when it’s over. Who knows if there will be money left for the arts. How can I work towards goals that are unknown? I had become so focused on working towards goals that I lost sight of the reason I practice art. I create because I have to; I create because the world looks different when I do. I share my work because that is what is asked of me, in return for receiving the inspiration. Once I could let go of productivity standards, once I could let go of a goal to work towards, I could play. As others become creative in trying to do their work and deliver programs, opportunities for sharing my work have come to me, they are new, they demand different skills, but they allow me to be a part of the world beyond my studio. We don’t know what the world will look like post vaccine, but I realize that what we are doing now is shaping what it will be.

mono-print 12″ x 14″

mono-print 12″ x 14″

mixed media collage 6″ x 7.5″

gel-print collage 12″ x 14″

collage 18″x 24″

block prints on tea bags 14″ x 17″

printed paper collage 11″ x 12″